Civil Politics (7/15/16): Pence, I Choose You!

In our first half we speak about Turkey, Trump’s pick for VP, and of course Sanders endorsing Clinton. In our second half we discuss the shootings of black men and police officers that occured during our break.

Further Reading:

Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton, Hoping to Unify Democrats

Emails show NSA rejected Hillary Clinton’s request for secure smartphone

The new Trump-Pence campaign logo is raising eyebrows

“Never Trump” Movement Dies in Committee

Boris Johnson is foreign secretary: The world reacts

PM Theresa May starts ministerial appointments

The Driving Life And Death Of Philando Castile

Dallas police chief to protesters: “We’re hiring”

‘Graceful in the lion’s den’: Photo of young woman’s arrest in Baton Rouge becomes powerful symbol

One Day in 1970 That Changed Policing in the U.S.

Obama: U.S. Cracking Down on ‘Militarization’ of Local Police

Boris Johnson wins ‘most offensive Erdoğan poem’ competition



Civil Politics (9/4/15): Religiosity in Today’s World

Jeff Stevens, Pastor of Awakening Spirit Christian Church in Northfield, NH, joins the panel as we speak on how religion is affecting our politics and society at large.

Further Reading:

Pope makes it possible for priests to forgive women who have had an abortion
Kim Davis found in contempt, has been jailed
Midnight Rising by Tony Horwitz

Civil Politics (4/10/15): Having and Experiencing Privilege (Part 2 in a series)

We focus on the different types of privilege in terms of gender with a visiting expert  Tobias K. Davis, a Trans-activist and Playwright.

To learn more about Tobias Davis:

Further reading from this show:
More on the Steubenville rape case:
Consent: Not actually that complicated (think of consent as serving tea):

Civil Politics (2/6/15): Having and Experiencing Privilege (Part 1 in a series)

The panel discusses the way that privilege affects our lives, and the different ways that people may not understand. This show we focus on the privilege of race/phenotype, with special guest panelist Stacey, host of Evidence Based Radio.

Interesting Links:

The Brazilian Confederacy:
Supreme Court to hear arguments over the Fair Housing Act: