Civil Politics (9/4/15): Religiosity in Today’s World

Jeff Stevens, Pastor of Awakening Spirit Christian Church in Northfield, NH, joins the panel as we speak on how religion is affecting our politics and society at large.

Further Reading:

Pope makes it possible for priests to forgive women who have had an abortion
Kim Davis found in contempt, has been jailed
Midnight Rising by Tony Horwitz

Civil Politics (8/21/15): Environment in Action

The panel discusses the current policies concerning the environment.

Further Reading:

Ash Carter Warns on Russia
Tidal Power Explaination
Vermont Wind Power
Increase of Dengue Fever
Nestlé’s Peter Brabeck: our attitude towards water needs to change
Encyclical Letter “Laudato Si” of the Holy Father Francis
“The Collapse of Western Civilization, A view from the Future” by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
“The Race for What’s Left. The Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources”. Author Michael T. Klare