Civil Politics (1/29/15): No Matter What the Evidence…

The show kicks off with a spirited debate over who will drop out first and why people in fact run and remain running for the high office. In the second half we speak about how we use our water, who can and can’t use it, and why we can’t use it in certain ways. Then we move on to… well a grab bag of happy news. (not really happy news)

Further Reading:

AP Fact Check: GOP Claims On Carpet Bombs, Kurds, and Economy
Flint Would Have Saved Money by Sticking with Detroit Water, Memo Says


Civil Politics (1/1/16): Our Dangerous Year

We review our year in news and politics, and speak about how this will affect the next year.

Further Reading:

Number Of Police Officers Killed By Gunfire Fell 14 Percent In 2015, Study


in self defense

“In Self-Defense”. 1876 editorial cartoon by A. B. Frost. Depicts a caricatured former Confederates in the U.S. South with a knife and smoking gun in his hands standing over the corpse of an African-American toddler.