Civil Politics (6/24/16): [Witty Title About Brexit Here]

The Brexit has dominated the news, and of course we have strong opinions about it.

Further Reading:

Brexit: Nicola Sturgeon says second Scottish independence vote ‘highly likely’
Spain says ‘closer to’ controlling Gibraltar after Brexit vote
Brexit: David Cameron to quit after UK votes to leave EU
Is the EU referendum legally binding?
Would Brexit damage the British car industry?
Donald Trump in Scotland: ‘Brexit a great thing’
Nigel Farage backtracks on Leave campaign’s ‘£350m for the NHS’ pledge hours after result
V.P. Term Limits
The Brexit debate: Drowning in red tape?
Rumors Swirl: Will Clarence Thomas Retire from the Supreme Court?! ‘BOGUS,’ Wife Says.
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President Obama Designates Stonewall National Monument


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