Further Reading:
Continue reading “Civil Politics (10/23/20): A Colonizer Mentality”Month: October 2020
Civil Politics (10/16/20): Presidential Power Up
Further Reading:
Inside the White House During the Syrian ‘Red Line’ Crisis – https://bit.ly/3nX5Q5y
Obama’s drone war is a shameful part of his legacy – https://wapo.st/2SV8quB
Remember to Register to vote! Mass Residents should go to: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/
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Civil Politics (10/09/20): Everything in Moderation
Civil Politics (10/02/20): Jump in the Scrum
Civil Politics Supplemental (10/01/20): Vote Yes On Two! (Or We’ll Be Blue)
This supplemental we welcome Greg Dennis from the Yes on 2 campaign to talk the ins and outs of Ranked Choice Voting (or RCV), what it could mean for the commonwealth, and why it can be important for the voting process long term.
To learn more about RCV, visit YesOn2RCV.com. You can also follow them on twitter: @yeson2RCV
Continue reading “Civil Politics Supplemental (10/01/20): Vote Yes On Two! (Or We’ll Be Blue)”