Civil Politics (2/26/16): The Model of a Modern Major Primary

Topics covered tonight: the first half includes the benefits of the Primary vs. the Caucus model of election and how the parties will act in the upcoming SCOTUS nomination. During the second half we spend time

Further Reading:

A strange but accurate predictor of whether someone supports Donald Trump

Supreme Court Won’t Intervene in North Carolina Election Fight

An article in the New York Times’ ‘The Upshot’ maintained one in five Trump supporters opposed freeing slaves after the Civil War.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich signs bill to cut funding to Planned Parenthood in Ohio

Which Presidential Candidates Are Winning the Money Race


Civil Politics (1/29/15): No Matter What the Evidence…

The show kicks off with a spirited debate over who will drop out first and why people in fact run and remain running for the high office. In the second half we speak about how we use our water, who can and can’t use it, and why we can’t use it in certain ways. Then we move on to… well a grab bag of happy news. (not really happy news)

Further Reading:

AP Fact Check: GOP Claims On Carpet Bombs, Kurds, and Economy
Flint Would Have Saved Money by Sticking with Detroit Water, Memo Says


Civil Politics (1/1/16): Our Dangerous Year

We review our year in news and politics, and speak about how this will affect the next year.

Further Reading:

Number Of Police Officers Killed By Gunfire Fell 14 Percent In 2015, Study


in self defense

“In Self-Defense”. 1876 editorial cartoon by A. B. Frost. Depicts a caricatured former Confederates in the U.S. South with a knife and smoking gun in his hands standing over the corpse of an African-American toddler.

Civil Politics (12/18/15): The George Awakens

On this episode of Civil Politics, the panel welcomes George Claxton back from his hiatus, and we come to terms with a year of unprecedented gun violence in the United States. Also, in the aftermath of the latest GOP debate in Nevada, we once again discuss the presidential primary races and try to guess where they might be headed.

Civil Politics (12/4/15): It Needs to Stop

We open with speaking shootings. California, Colorado, and others – and the fact that we need to say “and others” to clarify the topic is a particular point of frustration.

We then pivot to celebrating women being allowed to serve in any and all aspects of our military, and the 2016 Presidential Race.

Further Reading:

Greenfield police officer under fire for allegedly displaying Confederate flag in garage

Civil Politics (11/20/2015): The Dire Reality of Refugees and Paris

We speak about the attacks on Paris and its ramifications; how we approach refugees while considering our safety, why there is a debate over how and who we allow to come to the US, the opinions of our presidential candidates, and what being a refugee or immigrant means. In the second half of the show, we talk about the American SAFE Act and the group Anonymous’ cyber attack on ISIS.

Ending sound clip from Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.

Further Reading:

The American Flag Hijab
House Votes To Increase Security Checks On Refugees From Iraq, Syria
Full Description of H.R. 4038: American SAFE Act of 2015
Anonymous Begins “Operation ISIS”

Civil Politics (11/13/15): The Democratic Process Through Eductaion

We speak about the protests at University of Missouri, the whys of hate speech, TPP and the Republican debate.

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Further Reading:

Halloween Costume Emails Stokes Debate At Yale

Civil Politics (11/6/15): Pipeline of Liberalism

The Panel discusses the Keystone XL Pipeline, and the important results of the 2015 election results. In the second half we expand our focus to speak about liberal vs conservatives and what they look for in government and it’s role.

Further Reading:

Bernie Sanders introduces a bill to legalize marijuana
Bipartisan marijuana banking bill in Senate
Ohio Bans Gerrymandering
Appeals Court Rejects Transgender Inmate’s Surgery Request