Civil Politics (10/30/15):

Unfortunately there was a technical error and we had no recording for this episode

A discussion of the SNAP program and healthcare start us off in the first half, moving to Paul Ryan’s ascension to Speaker of the House.

In the second half we focus on the Republican Debate that was aired on CNBC on Wednesday, Oct 28th.

Further Reading:

SNAP Costs Declining, Expected to Fall Much Further
Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
The Overton Window

Civil Politics (10/2/2015): A Face-palm of Humans

The Panel speaks about the shootings in Oregon, and the response from different politicians. We also speak about the House hearing with the president of Planned Parenthood, voting rights, and we try to figure out whats wrong in the world.

Further Reading:

Graph Presented in Planned Parenthood Hearing – Link
Larry Lessig, One Term President – Link
Kevin McCarthy on Hannity – Link
Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS by Joby Warrick – Link

Civil Politics (8/14/15): #BlackLivesMatter

We begin to speak about Bernie Sanders’ rise in popularity, and the democratic candidates. We then talk about the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Other topics: Hillary Clinton and her emails and Marco Rubio and his comments on Planned Parenthood.

Further Reading:
Dr. King speaking about the “white moderate”: