Further Reading:
Cambridge Analytica, the shady data firm that might be a key Trump-Russia link, explained – http://bit.ly/2pzQXte
Facebook may have violated FTC privacy deal, say former federal officials, triggering risk of massive fines – https://bloom.bg/2pFPl1l
Uber Self-Driving Crash Calls Safety, Rules Into Question – https://wapo.st/2pALzpP
The Real Scandal Isn’t What Cambridge Analytica Did – It’s what Facebook made possible. – https://slate.me/2pD2W9t
Craigslist Shuts Down Personals Section After Congress Passes Bill On Trafficking – https://n.pr/2pzZlJn
SpaceX founder Elon Musk piles on as Facebook’s woes continue – https://nbcnews.to/2pAI8zg
Cambridge Analytica offices searched over data storage – https://bbc.in/2pzcjHe
Trump Chooses Bolton for 3rd Security Adviser as Shake-Up Continues – https://nyti.ms/2pAIJkI
Iraq war anniversary: Remembering Blackwate – http://bit.ly/2pAJ6vC
Fifteen Years Ago, America Destroyed My Country – https://nyti.ms/2pzwWCW
On torture, war crimes and Trump’s pick for CIA director – http://bit.ly/2pzV08U
Craigslist Shuts Down Personals Section After Congress Passes Bill On Trafficking –
Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner Promised a Criminal Justice Revolution. He’s Exceeding Expectations. – http://bit.ly/2pAKXjQ
CORRETION!!! The Sackler family’s drug money disgraces museums around the world (not the Mercer Family) – http://bit.ly/2pzgB1i