Civil Politics (3/11/16): Armed Education

Stefan hops into the moderator chair this week! (for half the show at least!)

We begin reviewing the votes of the last week. The two important topics we cover are violence at Trump rallies against Muslims and people of color, and in the second half we focus on how states are starting to allow guns in classrooms.

Further Reading:

Trump Rally Attendee Charged With Punching Protester In The Face

Silently protesting Muslim woman ejected from Trump rally

Clinton apologizes for calling Nancy Reagan a ‘very effective, low-key’ AIDS advocate

Marijuana campaign sues state over disqualified petition signatures

US presidential elections 2016: State by state results tracker

How Guns on Campus Could Change What Texas Teaches

Civil Politics (1/29/15): No Matter What the Evidence…

The show kicks off with a spirited debate over who will drop out first and why people in fact run and remain running for the high office. In the second half we speak about how we use our water, who can and can’t use it, and why we can’t use it in certain ways. Then we move on to… well a grab bag of happy news. (not really happy news)

Further Reading:

AP Fact Check: GOP Claims On Carpet Bombs, Kurds, and Economy
Flint Would Have Saved Money by Sticking with Detroit Water, Memo Says


Civil Politics (8/21/15): Environment in Action

The panel discusses the current policies concerning the environment.

Further Reading:

Ash Carter Warns on Russia
Tidal Power Explaination
Vermont Wind Power
Increase of Dengue Fever
Nestlé’s Peter Brabeck: our attitude towards water needs to change
Encyclical Letter “Laudato Si” of the Holy Father Francis
“The Collapse of Western Civilization, A view from the Future” by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
“The Race for What’s Left. The Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources”. Author Michael T. Klare

Civil Politics (6/19/15): The Absolute Failure of Dylann Roof

Dylann Roof tries to start a race war, and instead draws the ire of the nation. But we speak about the differences in our reactions from both sides. We then pivot to speaking about the Supreme Court decision concerning the state of Texas’ ability to not approve a licence plate. Further Reading: SCOTUS Texas Plate Approval: The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition & Change: The official stars and bars